PM Narendra Modi topped the global rating of global leaders with 75% approval rating.

The Indian Prime Minister

PM Modi had topped in the world leader list   previously in January 2022 and in November 2021 too

Record Continues

The survey of world leaders is conducted by Morning Consult Political Intelligence

Approval rating   survey

They also provides real-time polling data on political elections, elected officials and voting issues

Real-time polling   data

The list of global leaders is based on 7-day survey of all adults of particular countries

Data collection

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: 63% rating    Italian Prime Minitser Mario Draghi: 54% rating

2nd & 3rd Leaders

Canadian President Justin Trudeau: 39% rating  Japenese Former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida:  38% rating

4th Place

The American President Joe Biden was at 5th place in the list with 41% rating

US President at 5th Place

Narendra Modi has Lowest Disapproval ratings among all global leaders

PM Modi: Everyone's   Favourite Leader

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